To all Phoenix Staff

From Melissa

Thank-you for continuing this very important work during these trying and challenging times. Although you must be experiencing your own stress and anxiety, you continue to support the youth who are dealing with these same issues and it is greatly appreciated. It must not be easy to maintain a positive attitude especially when we are all struggling to comprehend what’s happening in the world today.

You are angels and lifesavers to the youth that you support. Your dedication to our community has not gone unnoticed and I’m sure you will be remembered for many years to come by the families and young people who needed a sense of home while having to isolate and socially distance. Your skills and expertise teach our youth how to cope and keep positive through these times of uncertainty and loss. This is a priceless gift that cannot be bought, only given by your understanding, compassion and kindness.

Truly from the heart. You are saving lives with your support.