For Phoenix Youth

From Alana

Hang in there. I am now in my 40’s (ugh) and was once in need of what Phoenix provides. The COVID situation has brought up a lot of old anxieties, but I am practicing what I did to get to my 40’s in a stable(ish – let’s be realistic now ;)), happy place. The rollercoaster will stop, it always does, we just have to wait. Take each day at a time, don’t expect too much of yourself, no one should be expected to show up and act like it is business as usual. It can’t be, the situation is bonkers. We’ll be the subject of studies and documentaries in the future. But once this is all over the wait will be worth it, we’ll emerge from isolation, hopefully more empathetic, thoughtful and kind. People who had enough will value what they actually have. If you need help, ask for it, we are all in this together.

In the meantime, I’ll be thinking of you, and washing my hands.

Take care.